Company Profile
Jxtpcb was formed in 2004, specialize in providing high-quality PCB fabrication, PCB assembly and Components sourcing value-added services in China.more -
Value-Added Services
Welcome To Jxtpcb Company
Jxtpcb is one of China's professional PCB fabrication and assembly service suppliers serving worldwide experts, engineers and manufacturers since our establishment in 2004. With over 19 years experience in development, manufacturing, assembly and testing of custom printed circuit boards, we're now capable to provide a full range of services, from quick turn PCB prototyping, circuit boards manufacturing, PCB assembly to components sourcing services, all with guaranteed quality and cost-effective price.
We've manufactured printed circuit boards for more than 130 countries and territories around the world. Our customer satisfaction rate is around 99%, and we take pride in providing the best service around.
- Rogers PCB Materials Product Selection GuidesRogers pcb,Rogers,罗杰斯板材,High Frequency Laminates,RO4003C,RO4350B,TC350,Rogers pcb,高频电路,层压板,高频板材,线路板材,PCB,AD Series,RO3010,RO3003,RTduroid® 5880,高频线路板,PCB天线,天线电路,Circuit Boards
- Taconic PCB Materials Product Selection GuidesTaconic,Taconic pcb,RF Laminates,泰康利Taconic pcb,PTFE,Low Dk,PWB,PCBs,antenna material,High thermal conductivity,microwave,Ceramic,TLY-5,RF-30,TLP,Prepreg,泰康利PCB,PTFE pcb,铁氟龙Teflon pcb
- 2025 JXTPCB春节放假通知杰迅特,JXTPCB,春节放假,新春愉快,Holiday Schedule,杰迅特pcb,Rogers pcb,Taconic pcb